Monday, February 25, 2013

"Thrift Shop Feat. Wanz" Is My Crack

Cannot. Stop. Watching. WHY!?!?!?!

Because: "This is f**king awesome."  And I smile every. freaking. time.

I don't know about the quality of their other creations... I just keep hitting Replay on this one.
Makes me as happy as this one:

And if you're a hipster dissin' on pop culture: suck it. I'll keep dancing around my living room like I'm still 20 ;p

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Anderson Cooper Has a Sense of Humor

Just your average AC360 video clip on Then, suddenly, Subway's 12 inches (about halfway through):

Mr. Cooper's friendship with comedienne Kathy Griffin has cogent cause.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Angry Vegan Chef

I'm not giving any opinion on eating lifestyles, I just find Vegan Black Metal Chef videos very humorous.

Merry [belated] Holidays! Here's some delicious blasphemy:

Makes me want to dust off my metal albums and bake some mutherf**king cake... Or just eat frosting off the blade off of my cobra sword cane.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dachshund Funnies

Bred to hunt badgers and other subterranean varmints, dachshunds were born to purpose, stocky and muscular with thick limbs.
Over one hundred and fifty years later, humans have bred them down into smaller, stubby-legged wigglers, who are more silly lap dog than professional hunter... Although many a pet rodent has lost their lives to the household wiener dog.

This is for Bunny who wonders why I make a weird growl when he tries to touch my neck:

And, of course, "We've got crabs!":

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I don't need a calendar. I can mark days by the arrival of the leaf blowers. Goddam mutherf**kers who use gas powered devices to move seven leaves 30 feet.

Suffering a monsoon on a Monday, they're here on Tuesday. Winter rainstorms? They're here Fridays. They're more accurate than the weatherman.

They fill the air with gas fumes. They make more noise than elephants on fire. They blow all the leaves and wood chips out of the mulch islands between the parking spots... The mulch areas where lazy dog owners send their dogs to shit at midnight.

Then the semi-soft turds catch leaf blower air and plaster themselves to our front doors... Or the dried out nuggets lodge under the wainscoting beneath those same doors.

And if you work graveyard shift, forget about a good night's sleep once a week, every week.

Asylum Street Spankers know our pain:

This is from their appearance on the Bob and Tom Show.