It stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.
Otherwise known as the precursor to humanity's imminent assimilation:
...Because the more you play, the more stationary you become, and the easier it is for the tentacles to wrap and lock.
Some may concur with this summation:
And the marketing companies know just how to make a mundane carbonated beverage full of testes-shrinking Yellow Dye No.5 look like The S**t:
What they've concealed are the side effects of 23-hour gaming days and 12 cases of Dew:
When you have intravenous injections of high fructose corn syrup, who needs fresh air and physical human contact?
Okay, okay, I'm poking fun at the millions of people who truly enjoy such artistic digital masterpieces as World of Warcraft, Neverwinter Nights, Halo, Half-Life, etc.
Even lacking basic comprehension of MMORPG operation, you must have laughed at something related to the culture; therefore, you have benefited from their existence.
You can't tell me this doesn't brighten your day:
And remember: there's still a need out there for us pen-and-paper types...

[click on graphic for large, clear pic]
Big thanks to Bunny (recovered gamer) and Eshin (level 80 WoW Gawd) for their blog-inspiring input.
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