When a relationship turns a corner, it can sometimes lead to hurt feelings or a broken heart. During these times, we lean on our friends and console ourselves with favored indulgences.
For most people, that means caloric food [booze counts] and autopsy of said relationship.

We talk about how it began with such hope and light-hearted aspiration.

We dream of surpassing past heart breaks and failures, to discover something wonderful...
But, the dark, maligned stars reveal the truth: you're dating the Douchebag/ette, the Princess, the Coward, the Whiner, the Mooch, the Mama's Boy/Daddy's Girl, the Hoochie, the Gay-In-The-Closet-Who-Adores-Johnny-Depp-More-Than-You, or myriad other Imps of Disaster.
Where's the cosmic fairness in that?! Didn't you do a good job this time around?! Why the hell can't you find someone 'stable'?!
*Grrrrrr*... GESTALT THERAPY!!!!

Oh, the humanity!! Is there a fried foods specialist in the house?
Problem solved.
Thanks to Yolandar for reintroducing me to the fun of 'finger food' and presenting a clear perspective on relationships. Pass the blood sauce.
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